After Supreme Court Rules Against Sanctuaries – Trump Drops Presidential Hammer, Withholds Funds

Last week, we reported on the groundbreaking Supreme Court ruling on sanctuary cities.
The highest court in the land handed Trump a big victory. They ruled it was entirely lawful for the federal government to withhold funds to cities and states that refuse to cooperate.
It’s a pretty big deal. That means Trump can use his authority to strike back at these Democrat-controlled regions.
And it wasn’t long before the president had some tough news for places like New York and California.
Their days of coasting along on federal funds are over.
From Twitter:
As per recent Federal Court ruling, the Federal Government will be withholding funds from Sanctuary Cities. They should change their status and go non-Sanctuary. Do not protect criminals!
We’ve been waiting for this a long time!
President Trump announced that the federal government will start withholding funds from sanctuary cities.
This will be a huge blow to cities across the country. Because they are defying federal law, they endanger American citizens.
“Sanctuary” policies force agencies like ICE to risk lives. These cities are supposed to hand over criminals for prosecution.
Instead, ICE must conduct raids, putting themselves and communities in danger.
Now, why would Democrats do this? Is protecting criminals so much more important than American lives?
They will have to answer that themselves.
By withholding funds, Trump is putting pressure on these cities. If they want to keep receiving federal bucks, they’ll have to reverse these policies.
Trump urged them, saying they should change their status to non-sanctuary. The only question is, will they?
Now that liberal mayors and governors will have less cash, will they change their ways? Are they willing to reverse sanctuary policies—and keep receiving much-needed funding?
I’ve never known a Democrat to turn down a check. But there’s a first for everything.
Especially if they have to choose between protecting criminals—and getting free money.
SHARE to thank President Trump for pulling sanctuary city funds!
Source: Twitter
