Hillary Loses It In New Documentary – Clinton Just Claimed She Is ‘The Most Investigated Innocent Person in America’

Hillary Clinton continues her love affair… with herself.
Hey, Hill! We’re not interested in you. We didn’t want you in 2016. And we certainly don’t care what you’re up to today.
The woman must be suffering from some kind of narcissistic syndrome. Because she just starred in a documentary about her life.
It just might be the biggest flop Hulu’s ever made. And they’ve made some stinkers.
But perhaps the craziest thing to come out of that doc is something Clinton said.
It will have you rolling with laughter.
From Daily Mail:
Hillary Clinton claims she is the ‘the most investigated innocent person in America’ in a new Hulu documentary about her life.
The former Democratic Presidential candidate even went so far as to say she felt like she’s been persecuted in an offhand remark while cameras were rolling.
What!? Hillary Clinton claims she is the most investigated innocent person in America.
Is this woman taking crazy pills? I’m seriously asking.

First of all, no you’re not, Hill. The worst you ever suffered was a 100% rightful investigation into your unlawful private email server.
Former FBI head James Comey himself said Hillary sent classified emails through this system. That is a crime, Hill, which means you’re not innocent.
But somehow you have gotten away with it.
On top of that, what other investigations is she currently facing? Millions of Americans still think she is accountable for Benghazi.
She never faced anything for that.
Many have suspicions about a “Pay-for-play” racket she set up through her Clinton Foundation.
She never faced an investigation over that, not really. Her people deleted emails and smashed up phones. The FBI never bothered to look deeper.
Clinton must really be obsessed with herself. Think about all the wrongfully accused people in this country.
All the young black men who, in the past, were persecuted by a crooked system. Because of the color of their skin.
Or how about President Trump, who did nothing wrong. But he was impeached over a simple phone call? Sounds to me like Democrats couldn’t stand his success.
But no, Hillary Clinton (a rich, privileged politician) is the real victim.
Forget about laughing, this just might make you sick.
SHARE if you want the Clintons to go away forever.
Source: Daily Mail
